Monday, June 5, 2017

006 That Doesn't Matter!

Oh boy. So this one was done last minute. It might look a bit odd... because there's no shadows. I'm happy with the way this one came out though, the animation is nice, a bit sloppy as usual. I haven't really done much this week besides work on freelance and apply for jobs. Got a few interviews, and I'm looking to apply some more today or tomorrow. Dreamworks and nick are looking for some storyboard artists, so I'll probably apply. I gotta clean my desk its gotten messy since I started Knights. Might be a good motivational booster to have a clean workspace. Then maybe I can do some pen and ink pieces. I have a few new plans I want to execute for Knights. I just need to find a proper venue for it. Anyways, I've definitely found myself working more on artwork since starting this project. This is probably the most productive I've been in a very long while.

It's fucking JUNE!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde to get notified on the latest updates!

- 06/05/2017 3:38 AM Posted by Matt -

Monday, May 29, 2017

005 General Fist!

So. Long project is long. This page took me a lot of time, and slowed me down quite a bit. So that month I was ahead... Well, that month has passed, now each page will be made weekly atm until I can make a buffer again, which shouldn't be long, probably in the next week or so. Still have a freelance project (2 actually) to finish up, but those should be done this week, with another lined up for June. That one I don't know too much about, but it'll be cash at least. Still gotta get a job, but in the meantime, I hope to work on a few motion graphics projects, one for Knights and another based on heavy design. I still have no idea what to do for either, but I have some stuff rattling in my head, hopefully it will come out not poop. I'll have updates for that on my tumblr, planning on recording the process there. The whole goal for this year is to make things that I want to make. Being in that funk for the past two years was just plain counter productive. Anyways!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde to get notified on the latest updates! and I also have my tumblr atMatthewMeh which I'll post some artwork from Knights and the next two projects I'm planning.

- 05/29/2017 01:13 AM Posted by Matt -

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Hyde (is) Under Attack

(Repost from yesterday)Early Morning Monday update again! Things are going great. So if you don't know, Hiveworks comics just opened up submissions for webcomics this year, and I have been spending the past few days working on the pitch for them. I have hope, but we will see what happens. Part of the pitch was to summarize the story as far as I have it planned out, which is this first chapter, but working on that part made me think more about the story than I had when I was just scripting it out on my own. I have all sorts of new ideas for the next few stories and I hope I can pull them off in the most entertaining way possible. Another part was breaking down the production schedule for this comic. Originally, my estimated manhours per week for a single page for KoH was about 2 days per comic, about 16-20 hours. It turns out actually sitting down and figuring out rough times, it comes to about 31 hours a week. Which is basically a part time job! ...with no benefits... or pay. In my honest opinion, that's not bad though. 30 hours a week on average with the occasional overtime or undertime making something worth more to me than any paycheck, not bad at all. The actual paycheck part... I'm gonna have to figure something out, but I have a general idea of what I need to do soon. I gotta head go on a road trip tuesday, so after that. Anyways, see y'all scrubs later!

Happy belated Mother's Day!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde to get notified on the latest updates!

Bonus! here are some character designs:

Sunday, May 7, 2017

Prepare The Cannons

So another week and another page. Not much growth audience wise at the moment, but that's fine. Things will pick up as the archive grows. It's hard to form new habits, yanno? Keeping up with twitter and blogs and stuff. Anyways, I made a lot of leeway on this site in the past week and I hope to keep it up. Might have a few small freelance gigs in the next few weeks, so that will occupy me from Knights for a bit, but I'll be back on it during my freetime. In the mean time I hope to open up some discussion with other webcomic artists. See what advice I can get from them. Never hurts to make a few new friends. So there's that, as ell as reading up some articles for new and upcoming comic artists. So far, what I'm understanding from my research is to make the comic (That's the important part) and then start spreading the news about the comic. (Here's the article on that)

Which I will.... as soon as I reach page 8 which is when the main story begins. All this right now is prologue.

I started knights knowing it would be a lot of work and man hours, and definitely a lot of time. I don't mind it though, I'm actually enjoying it a lot, as much frustration I get from moments when animations just aren't going the way I want or when the lines in Animate look like poop. It's fun. My wrists hurt from all the coding and drawing, but what do you expect? Nothing of any value in life is made without effort. So I'll keep at it until my wrists fall off and my eyes bleed... or until I buy a comfy mechanical keyboard. Also, I started using my intuos along side my cintiq since I found out both work with the same pen, and i'm finding myself drawing more on my intuos...

Prepare your buttholes!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde to get notified on the latest updates!

- 05.07.2017 11:39 PM Posted by Matt -

Saturday, May 6, 2017

Update 5/6

So update!

Worked on the script today...did a few sketches... made a tweet... and ate some oranges. Very productive day! Not really...

Anyways, I'm a month a head right now, and ready to start the slow release that is knights. Tomorrow night/monday morning will be the next update. It's another simple page. Things won't kick up until 008, when we start getting on to the Penny's main story. I think that will be the best time to start shilling out my own work. That way people can see what the potential for Knights is. Time is the best course of action for success for Knights. So, let's see how long I can keep up.

 Follow me on twitter @knightsofhyde

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Update 5/4

Ok. So I have to confess, I don't know what the fuck I am doing.

However, things  are going nicely. I just need to figure out how to start generating traffic towards everything KoH. the website, the twitter, the discord and the soon to be publish patreon. Which, is a lot of networking and talking to people. And I suck at talking to people and networking.

It's never too late to start though. So, foist thinx foist. Time to tweet at peeps and slide into some DMs.

At the rate of now, I will update very slowly, as I might have some work coming up, but knights will still be my number one priority. Animating and storyboarding are very much needed, and I also want to make a promotional motion graphics animation... It's not going to be long, but be highly stylized.So brainstorms on that might come soon.This will help me to emphaisze future characters and events, so that at this moment, the webcomic doesn't seem like a cliche mess of garbage, that has no planned path. It will focus on the first story of this arc. A lot of stuff beyond that I'm still trying to work out both in mind and on paper.

New update will come on the 7th, page 002. I'm going to update one page a week for now. I wanted to start off with 2, but I grossly underestimated the amount of work surrounding the site, and the need to promote.  Once I start getting a better hang of everything I'll try to start updating twice a week. Starting from the bottom is definitely difficult. But as I mentioned before, I don't feel like its right to start advertising the webcomic right now, since there's literally only 2 pages out. I guess It wouldn't hurt to ask some people for some advice though.

Follow me at @knightsofhyde!

Tuesday, May 2, 2017

Welcome to the Knights of Hyde

((reposted from yesterday))It's official. Knights of Hyde is launched. But I dont think it's completely ready for full out complete total advertisements. It'll be there soon. But for now, it's still a seedling growing bit by bit. I originally planned on a May 1st launch, but domain and DNS and propagating stuff had different plans. I want to update this webcomic every wednesday with 1 or 2 pages. For now, I think 1 page is good, while I also work on my other website, getting my portfolio up and out. The important thing is that this is started, and I'm looking forward to what this site will bring. I will admit, I have a ton of fears and daydreams about the outcome of all this work. But no matter what happens, I will be happy with even just one of these results: either a community to rule supreme over, or an improvement in my abilities as an artist and an animator.

I hope you enjoy the show!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde for all new updates. I don't use social media much, but once I get into the groove of it, it won't be so alien.