Sunday, May 7, 2017

Prepare The Cannons

So another week and another page. Not much growth audience wise at the moment, but that's fine. Things will pick up as the archive grows. It's hard to form new habits, yanno? Keeping up with twitter and blogs and stuff. Anyways, I made a lot of leeway on this site in the past week and I hope to keep it up. Might have a few small freelance gigs in the next few weeks, so that will occupy me from Knights for a bit, but I'll be back on it during my freetime. In the mean time I hope to open up some discussion with other webcomic artists. See what advice I can get from them. Never hurts to make a few new friends. So there's that, as ell as reading up some articles for new and upcoming comic artists. So far, what I'm understanding from my research is to make the comic (That's the important part) and then start spreading the news about the comic. (Here's the article on that)

Which I will.... as soon as I reach page 8 which is when the main story begins. All this right now is prologue.

I started knights knowing it would be a lot of work and man hours, and definitely a lot of time. I don't mind it though, I'm actually enjoying it a lot, as much frustration I get from moments when animations just aren't going the way I want or when the lines in Animate look like poop. It's fun. My wrists hurt from all the coding and drawing, but what do you expect? Nothing of any value in life is made without effort. So I'll keep at it until my wrists fall off and my eyes bleed... or until I buy a comfy mechanical keyboard. Also, I started using my intuos along side my cintiq since I found out both work with the same pen, and i'm finding myself drawing more on my intuos...

Prepare your buttholes!

Follow me on twitter @KnightsOfHyde to get notified on the latest updates!

- 05.07.2017 11:39 PM Posted by Matt -

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